The Prime Minister of Pakistan, former Prime Minister Imran Khan has accused the Pakistan Muslim League of distributing Rs 10,000 in constituencies to buy votes before the by-elections.
Addressing an election rally in PP-140 constituency of Sheikhupura, Imran Khan said that his family was not in politics and had left home alone. The caravan grew slowly. Congratulations to my candidate, he won the election, no loot can compete with you, on July 17 there will be milk and water.
He said that the Election Commission was working with Hamza Shahbaz to win the by-elections. No matter what Hamza Shahbaz wanted, he could not win this election. I instruct my co-workers that if they form a team and go out on the field, no one will be able to defeat them. Looting of any color cannot compete with madness.
Imran Khan said that the Election Commission is completely biased. I tell the Khurram candidates of Sheikhupura that you have to go door to door to get votes. Allow me to predict 15 thousand instead of 15 I will not back down, no color, no size, no loot can compete with you, social media workers are intimidated, they are arrested from their homes, Imran Riaz, Ayaz Amir A. Conscientious objectors are harassed.
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