Good news for the people who are worried about the rising price of petrol

Good news for the people who are worried about the rising price of petrol

Motorcycle sellers in Anarkali Blue Dome Bazaar have found a solution to the rising petrol prices in the form of electric bikes.  Neither the price of petrol nor the problem of parking.

According to the details, when petrol exceeded the purchasing power of the common man, the citizens turned to motorcycle shops.  Increasing demand also increased shopkeepers.  Electric bikes have been introduced in the Anarkali Blue Dome bike market.

The electric bike costs only Rs 45,000 and after just two hours of charging, you can travel up to 50 kms with the help of batteries.  Citizens are showing great interest in electric bikes.

Electric bike sellers say that the idea of ​​electric bikes came to mind after petrol became more expensive and its biggest advantage is that after a journey of 50 km, one can ride a motorcycle with the help of pedals and thus exercise.  can do.

An electric bike that travels at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour after charging the battery is the best ride at such an expensive price.

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