'India is a police state and Modi is king,' says Rahul Gandhi after brief detention

'India is a police state and Modi is king,' says Rahul Gandhi after brief detention

NEW DELHI - Congress pioneer Rahul Gandhi was captured alongside a few legislators of his party in the Indian capital as they challenged Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's administration.

Taking a correspond at Indian chief Modi, Gandhi said the 'Indian lord' requested the capture of those bringing up issues about joblessness, expansion and different issues.

"India is a police state, and Narendra Modi is a ruler," he said being confined by policing.

The Congress chief said that BJP hardliners, including Modi and Amit Shah, were taking on resistance to smother their voices. Be that as it may, he said they won't be terrified and the battle would proceed.

The 52-year-old lawmaker censured the decision administration over tyrant method of administration. Gandhi, the extraordinary grandson of India's most memorable state leader Nehru, said they were not being permitted to have conversations inside the parliament.

Prior, Gandhi and his party MPs organized a dissent before India's parliament in the midst of taking off costs and focusing of resistance pioneers by test organizations.

The lawmaker organized a dissent as the top enemy of tax evasion organization gathered Gandhi's mom, Sonia Gandhi, for test.

Congress pioneers are being barbecued by government specialists over supposed abuse of party assets and venture of those supports in the land area.

Sonia Gandhi was required the second time for the test. She showed up before the examiners last week in a similar case.

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