Blast reported outside Russian embassy in Kabul

Blast reported outside Russian embassy in Kabul

KABUL - A self destruction plane supposedly exploded himself close to the entry door of the Russian consulate in Afghanistan's capital city on Monday.

Police authorities affirmed that furnished watchmen sent at the consulate started shooting at the aggressor when he endeavored to move toward the entryway.

In the wake of getting harmed, the aircraft exploded himself. No causalities have been affirmed up to this point, Geo News detailed.

Recently, blast at a Mosque in Afghan territory of Herat killed 18 individuals and more than 23 harmed. The impact went off in the Guzargah Mosque during Friday early afternoon supplications.

Imam Mujib Rahman Ansari with a portion of his watchmen and regular folks were killed on their way toward the mosque said Herat's police representative Mahmoud Rasooli.

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