Hyundai Nishat Motors Pvt Ltd (HNMPL) has resumed booking of 22 vehicles for its customers. According to a report, dealerships will only place orders when customers sign an agreement in which they are obliged to pay new prices for their cars if prices rise before delivery.
The notification required agents to keep a copy of the agreement with them and share the original documents of the agreement with the company along with a copy of the Provisional Hold Order (PBO). This will allow HNMPL to avoid any customer negligence as a result of price hike.
Other reservation suspension.
In the past few weeks, Kia, Toyota and Proton have also suspended their car bookings. Toyota and Proton dealers told ProPakistani that reservations would open in the second week of June, while Kia declined to share an appeal date.
Some unofficial reports also suggest that all carmakers are preparing to raise their car prices following the announcement of the 2022-23 financial budget, which is also close. To add insult to injury, HNMPL has just confirmed that another wave of price increases is in full swing.
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