Soon after Qualcomm launched its new flagship SoC, we have a new wave of premium phones. Recently, Xiaomi released its flagship phone series 12S, and now Vivo is about to unveil the iQOO 10 series, which will include the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chip.
The Chinese brand has now confirmed the launch of the iQOO 10 on July 19, just two weeks after the Xiaomi 12S lineup. The iQOO series will include a vanilla phone and a Pro model, but we don't have any official details from iQOO yet. However, iQOO's teaser video gives us a brief glimpse of the back of the phone.
As shown in the video, the back panel of the phone has a two tone design. The main camera setup has a Kevlar-like structure at the top while the leather finish at the bottom. Below the camera is a line of text that says, "Magic is like innovation."
The phone was previously featured in a leaked image with a design that matches the current teaser. The text on the side states that we will reinstall Jumble for still photos and videos.
As always, there will be a limited edition BMW version of the machine with the familiar blue and red stripes running on the rear panel.
As the start date of July 19 approaches, we will hear more official information.
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