WhatsApp has released the latest beta version of its desktop app for Windows through the Microsoft Store and it is rumored that the app is also coming to Mac OS. The news comes from the popular tech news blog WABetaInfo for WhatsApp news.
The report also includes a special screenshot showing what a desktop app might look like. It is worth noting that the final version of the application may look different as it is still in the early stages.
According to the screenshot, the Mac OS for WhatsApp will greet you with a QR code to link your smartphone to your MacBook, just like the Windows version. It will also allow you to link to an Android phone like the iPhone. It looks like the app will start with Multi Device Support from GetGo.
WABetaInfo also says that WhatsApp will improve the app's interface to make it easier to use on macOS. This will be a local application built with MacCatalyst.
However, keep in mind that the desktop app is still in development, so it cannot be downloaded from the App Store right now. There is also no public release date, but we will update this location as more information becomes available.
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