How much cheaper will petrol and diesel be?

How much cheaper will petrol and diesel be?

Petrol is likely to be cheaper by Rs 30 and diesel by Rs 40.  The government will announce a reduction in the prices of petroleum products today.

According to details, Finance Minister Muftah Ismail responded to Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif's request for a brief reduction in the prices of petroleum products.

The Finance Minister said that the summary of petroleum products has been prepared by the Ministry of Petroleum keeping in view the recommendations of the authority.  Send treasure

The Finance Minister said that the Finance Ministry is likely to receive a summary of oil prices from the Petroleum Division today.  The summary is then sent to the Prime Minister.  Prices of petroleum products will also be announced today.  According to industry sources, petrol is likely to be cheaper by Rs 30 and diesel by Rs 40.

According to the report, industry sources said that the price of petrol in the global market has been reduced by Rs 12-14 while the price of diesel has been reduced by Rs 25-30 per liter.  The price may go down.

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