Today's currency exchange rates on August 03, 2022 - Dollar, Euro, Pound, Riyal Rates in Pakistan

Today's currency exchange rates on August 03, 2022 - Dollar, Euro, Pound, Riyal Rates in Pakistan

KARACHI - Below are the exchange rates for US Dollar, Saudi Riyal, British Pound Sterling, UAE.  Dirham, European Euro and other foreign currencies in Pakistan Open Market on 3rd August 2022 (Wednesday).

Source: Forex Association of Pakistan.  (Last updated at 9:00 am).

US Dollar‎USD239241
UK Pound SterlingGBP287293
U.A.E DirhamAED6465
Saudi RiyalSAR6364
Australian DollarAUD168.81170.06
Bahrain DinarBHD638.39642.89
Canadian DollarCAD186.99188.34
China YuanCNY35.4735.72
Danish KroneDKK33.1133.46
Hong Kong DollarHKD30.5830.93
Indian RupeeINR3.043.12
Japanese YenJPY22.05
Kuwaiti DinarKWD782.91787.91
Malaysian RinggitMYR53.954.35
New Zealand DollarNZD152.27153.47
Norwegians KroneNOK24.9525.25
Omani RiyalOMR624.28628.78
Qatari Riyal‎QAR65.9466.44
Singapore DollarSGD174.41175.71
Swedish KoronaSEK23.7624.06
Swiss FrancCHF252.96254.71
Thai BhatTHB6.656.75

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