MUMBAI - Indian police have registered a case against a suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson for hurting the religious sentiments of minority Muslims by making comments against the Prophet of Islam during a live debate on TV channel at Mambra Police Station.
Now, Membra Police in Tana district of Maharashtra state has summoned the arrested BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma for questioning on June 22.
In addition, Umbernath Police has received a complaint against Sharma, but has not yet transferred it to the FIR. This will be the third case recorded at the police station. The first two cases against Sharma were registered in Membra and Biwandi.
Nupur has been accused of hurting Muslims' sentiments during a live debate on a TV channel
Ashok Kadlag, Chief Inspector of Police at Mimbra Police Station, said, “Based on a complaint lodged by a teacher, we have registered an FIR against Sharma and sent a summons via courier and email informing him that the next presence will be present at the police station in 15 days, prior to June 22 / June, we will investigate him on the basis of the complaint filed against him.
Police Member IPC 295A (Deliberate and malicious acts intended to insult religious feelings by insulting religion or beliefs of any class), 153A (between different groups based on religion, race or location) case was registered under various provisions of promoting hostility. Birth and Residence), 153b (punishments and judicial claims to national unity), and 505(2) (statements in favor of public riots).
Sharma was suspended from the BJP on 5 June due to his controversial remarks.
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