Work 4 days a week, rest 3 days, start the experience

Work 4 days a week, rest 3 days, start the experience

Whether you are a government employee or a private employee, if you have 4 days off and 3 days off a week, you do not want to take a job.  A similar lawsuit was filed in Britain.

According to the plan, 3300 workers in 70 British companies will work 3 days off for 6 months and 4 days a week without any deduction in their salaries.  The Global Experience will run 4 days a week in partnership with the Autonomy Think Tank.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge, Oxford and Boston will be involved in drawing conclusions from the project.  Experts say the three-day holiday will not affect productivity but is expected to increase.  At the same time, the results will not only improve the environment, but also have a positive effect on the mental health and personality of the workers.

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