Today's currency exchange rates on June 29, 2022 - Dollar, Euro, Pound, Riyal Rates in Pakistan

Today's currency exchange rates on June 29, 2022 - Dollar, Euro, Pound, Riyal Rates in Pakistan

KARACHI - Below are the exchange rates for US Dollar, Saudi Riyal, British Pound Sterling, UAE.  Dirham, European Euro and other foreign currencies in the Pakistani open market on June 29, 2022 (Wednesday).

Source: Forex Association of Pakistan.  (Last updated at 9:00 AM)

US Dollar‎USD206.5208.75
UK Pound SterlingGBP251.5255
U.A.E DirhamAED56.7557.6
Saudi RiyalSAR54.755.6
Australian DollarAUD144.42145.67
Bahrain DinarBHD554.06558.56
Canadian DollarCAD161.58162.93
China YuanCNY31.1331.38
Danish KroneDKK29.5529.9
Hong Kong DollarHKD26.5426.89
Indian RupeeINR2.662.74
Japanese YenJPY1.471.51
Kuwaiti DinarKWD676.45681.45
Malaysian RinggitMYR47.3147.76
New Zealand DollarNZD131.76132.96
Norwegians KroneNOK21.1421.44
Omani RiyalOMR540.71545.21
Qatari Riyal‎QAR57.2357.73
Singapore DollarSGD149.91151.21
Swedish KoronaSEK20.5620.86
Swiss FrancCHF216.8218.55
Thai BhatTHB5.946.04

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